Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter and Rag Rugs

Happy Easter Sunday everyone.
I have been indulging in something related to quilting but not at all quilty.
What you ask? Well it uses all the scraps and strips that you couldn't find a use for and had trouble coming to grips with.
I was challenged at my Quilty group the other day to make a Rag Rug. So in the process of having a cleanout I found a container of strips all ready cut and a crochet hook so I set to.
Searching the net revealed a quick, no-sew way of joining the strips. (In fact in 3 days I haven't stitched a stitch!!) A little slit in each end of the strip and pass it through and back the last strip, will find links later, then off you go. Some chain stitch and a basic understanding of treble stitch and you're off.
So now we have a rag rug for the front of the pot-belly stove and another on the go already.
Quite good for watching a movie by and at night when the eyes don't like fine work. and a delicious use of "ugly fabrics" that you just can't cope with. You can keep some semblance of pattern or just go random.

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